Monday, May 13, 2013

We're back!

After almost a year of blog silence, I come to you bearing good news!
Destruction Productions is now up and running once more, and we need your submissions!

Now, how can I submit my story to Destruction Productions for publication consideration, you might ask? IT'S SIMPLE!

First: We only accept submissions in digital form, via e-mail.

Second: We only accept submissions in the form of a query letter.

Third: Yes, please do attach your manuscript (up to the first 50 pages or 5 chapters, whichever is shorter) when you submit!

The e-mail you can send this all to is

Please put "Destruction Productions Query" in the subject line so we don't mistake it for spam.

Current turnaround time on submissions is one month, though it may be longer on a case-by-case basis.

Manuscripts we'll love:
Young Adult fiction (Romance, Paranormal, Sci-Fi, Fantasy)
Adult fiction: (any genre except for poetry)
Middle-readers fiction
Non-fiction: Memoirs, Autobiographies, Essay collections

Manuscripts we are not currently accepting:
Non-fiction biographies of famous people
Anything that is currently illegal to write about in the USA (Google is your friend if you're not sure)
Children's picture books

Thursday, June 28, 2012

We're pleased to announce we've picked up another promising young author!

His name is Steve Dukette. He writes science fiction and romance, sometimes combining the two. He hails from northern Minnesota, near Ely. He currently has one story out, available for free on Hungover.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Paperback Announcement

Exciting news, everyone!
Now each and every single Destruction Productions paperback (That is, each paperback put out by a DP author) will include promo codes to get not one, not two, but THREE FREE e-books through Smashwords. We're working on adding more authors to THAT mix, but every single paperback (this excludes Paper Dolls by Emmaline Westlund paperbacks, it would take them off the market too long to update them) will include three promo codes for free e-books. And the best part is? Each unique title (paperback) will have three DIFFERENT codes in it. So the codes in Paper Lanterns will be different from the ones in Cigarette Papers, and the ones in Paper Hearts will be different from the ones in Fairy Lusty Christmas (out soon!).

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Girls of Destruction Productions

Hey everyone, Emmaline here, founder of Destruction Productions (Ink, Art, Words), to bring you a few introductions and more information about Destruction Productions. The girls aren't generally the most internet friendly bunch, but they did each agree to email me a brief paragraph about themselves that will be posted below.  Destruction Productions is, right now, ebook publishing through Smashwords and paperback publishing through Createspace. We represent four authors, including myself. A division of DP is Homicide!INK, tattoo designs by Emmaline. We also work to create book art.
For a fee of 35% of our writers' royalty, we find editors, find/make book cover art, and market market market!  If you are writing a series and can guarantee that you will be using DP to publish at least three books in the series, our fee drops to 25% (Only for the series). If you publish more than 10 books through DP, our fee drops to 15%. The fee is from the writer royalty, not the total book sale. So if you set the price (Yes, YOU set the price!) at 99 cents, and you get approximately 55 cents of that sale, we only take 19 cents per sale. That leaves the rest of each sale YOURS! And it is still more than the leading self publishing site will give you, especially since we are willing to take much of the marketing work off your shoulders, whereas they hardly do anything, merely listing your books on their sites.

Destruction Productions Authors are:

Chastity:  Well, I'm young, kinda geeky, total dork, actually. I love reading romance novels, especially the trashy ones that feature FABIO on the cover. I'm into musicals and screamo music. Emma approached me about working under her new company name, and I was thrilled to be asked. I don't write very much, but what I do write will be represented by Destruction Productions. I have complete faith in this company.

Delia Ann Scott: Cat enthusiast, self-described left-wing nutjob, Coca-Cola's number one customer. I love the books of Ayn Rand and Chuck Palahniuk.

Jane Quill: Hey, dudes, so, you're like reading this on the internet? Sweet. I don't know how long it'll be until this gets posted, but it's Sunday today and I'm almost done with my sequel to Stoned. I suppose I'm that stoner that everyone thinks as stereotypical, except, y'know, I have a brain. AND I USE IT, OH MY GOSH.

Emmaline Westlund: You know me, most likely, since I'm the one who likely turned you on to Destruction Productions through my tireless and sometimes over-the-top nagging to check out my webpages. I'm a 20-something from Minnesota who dreams of making it big as a writer and living out her days on the shores of Lake Superior in Grand Marais, MN.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Paper Dolls

Paper Dolls is the name of my debut novella.  It is also book one of the Sketchbooks series, a seven book long series based around the lives of Sarah McIntosh and Jade DiMarco. 

It was written between March and May of 2011, however the story was developed when I was 14. 

The paperback edition will have a list of my upcoming projects in the back. 

The e-book edition will cost roughly 99cents.  The paperback edition will cost roughly $10, and be available through CreateSpace, Lulu, and